Aby dostać się na Feyrist, trzeba wykonać misję Troubled Animals w Threatened Dreams Quest.
- Lina lub jej odpowiednik.
- 6000 gp + pieniądze na podróże.
Odszukaj NPC Alkestios, znajduje się na południowy zachód od bram Ab'Dendriel.
Poproś go o misję.
Gracz: Hi
Alkestios: Nature's blessing, traveller!
Gracz: Mission
Alkestios: I indeed have some troubles since I'm travelling this part of the world. When I took over the body of a white deer I wasn't aware that such an animal is a sought after quarry for hunters and poachers. ...
Alkestios: Now I'm living in the constant danger of being caught and killed. Of course, I could just take over another animal but this deer has really grown on me. I'd like to help this beautiful stag but I need your assistance. Are you willing to help me?
Gracz: Yes
Alkestios: Your decision honours you. However, if you consider killing the poachers in question I ask you to halt. We, the fae, are rather peaceful beings and abhor bloodshed. Therefore, we must find another way to solve this problem. ...
Alkestios: I already have an idea: Some birds told me that poachers are a superstitious lot. Perhaps we can get them with their own misbelief. I know that the poachers have a kind of camp north of the Green Claw Swamps. ...
Alkestios: Please search it out and examine it closely. Perhaps you will find something you can use against them in order to stop them from hunting white deer.
Creation of Legends
Twoim pierwszym zadaniem jest udanie się na Poacher Caves, które znajduje się nieopodal Amazon Camp, a dokładnie tutaj:
Teraz musisz zejść na najniższy poziom -4 i wyciągnąć Book with Old Legends ze skrzyni, która znajduje się za drzwiami w południowej części poziomu -4.
Book with Old Legends
Po zabraniu książki ze skrzyni udaj się do Ankrahmun do NPC Ahmet (znajduje się obok banku, na przeciwko depo) prosimy go o Book. (Wymagane 5000gp).
Gracz: Hi
Ahmet: Be mourned pilgrim in flesh. I'm selling general goods. Just ask me for a trade.
Gracz: Book
Ahmet: You want me to add an additional story to this book. A legend about how it brings ill luck to kill a white deer. I could do that, yes. It costs 5000 gold, however. Are you still interested?
Gracz: Yes
Ahmet: Well then. Here, take the book, I added the story. Oh, just one advice: Not to inflame prejudice but poachers are of rather simple disposition. I doubt they are ardent readers. ...
Ahmet: So if you want to make sure they read this anytime soon, perhaps don't hide the book in a shelf or chest. Make sure to place it somewhere where they will find it easily, like very obviously on a table or something.
Wróć do pokoju na Poacher Caves, skąd zabrałeś książkę i użyj jej na stole, tuż obok skrzyni, tutaj:
Jeśli wszystko zostanie wykonane poprawnie, książka zniknie, a quest log zostanie zaktualizowany. Zgłoś swój sukces NPC Alkestios.
Gracz: Hi
Alkestios: Nature's blessing, traveller!
Gracz: Mission
Alkestios: You succeeded! It seems the poachers have read your little faked story about killing white deer and the ensuing doom. They stopped chasing me. Thank you! ...Alkestios: You proved yourself trustworthy - at least as far as I am concerned. But as I told you I'm actually not a real animal. If you want to enter our hidden island, you must prove that you are also willing to help real animals. Would you do that?
Gracz: Yes
Alkestios: I heard there is a problem with a wolf mother and her whelps. However, I don't know more about it. One of my sisters, Ikassis, has taken over the body of a snake. ...
Alkestios: She knows more about the wolf. Seek her out in the north-west of Edron, near a circle of standing stones.
The Ghost of a Wolf
Udaj się na Edron do NPC Ikassis, znajduje się tutaj:
Rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: Hi
Ikassis: Nature's blessing, traveller!
Gracz: Mission
Ikassis: One of my sisters, in the disguise of a nightingale, told me that Alkestios would send you. There is a problem which is not concerning me but a wolf mother on the small island Cormaya. ...
Ikassis: As we, the fae, consider ourselves guardians and protectors of plants and animals, it is important for me to help this wolf. Unfortunately, I can't do it myself because at the moment I'm bound to this vessel, this snake. ...
Ikassis: Thus I can't cross the ocean to reach Cormaya. Will you help me?
Gracz: Yes
Ikassis: At night it will weep bloody tears and only at night you will meet the ghost there. Take this talisman so you may be able to talk with animals and even plants and stones. Just don't expect that all of them will answer you.
Mówi, żebyś odszukał Ghostly Wolf na Cormayi oraz dał ci Fae Talisman, aby umożliwić komunikację z nim.
- Fae Talisman
Ghostly Wolf znajduje się w tym miejscu:
Udaj się do niego w noc tibijską (noc jest od h:45 do h:15) oraz musisz mieć w plecaku Fae Talisman, aby z nim rozmawiać.
Gracz: Hi
Ghostly Wolf: You are speaking the language of animals? I'm surprised. But I'm not in the right mood for a chat.
Gracz: Mission
Ghostly Wolf: I'm heartbroken, traveler. Some months ago, I was taking care of my three newborn whelps. They just opened their eyes and started exploring the wilderness as a hunter came by. ...
Ghostly Wolf: He shot me and took my three puppies with him. I have no idea where he brought them or whether they are still alive. This uncertainty harrows me and thus I'm unable to find peace. Will you help me?
Gracz: Yes
Ghostly Wolf: I didn't dare hope for it! The man told something about selling my babies to the orcs so they could train them as war wolves. ....
Ghostly Wolf: I guess he mentioned Ulderek's Rock. Please search for them and - be they alive or not - return and tell me what happened to them.
Musisz udać się w okolice Orc Fortress, dokładnie tutaj:
Po dotarciu na miejsce stań obok Sleeping War Wolf, aby Twój quest log się zaktualizował.
- Sleeping War Wolf
Oraz wyciągnij z leżącego obok skeletona - Notes of a Poacher.
- Notes of a Poacher
Następnie udaj się do NPC Irmana w Venore i porozmawiaj z nią.
Gracz: Hi
Irmana: Welcome to the house of fashion, Gracz!
Gracz: Fur
Irmana: A wolf whelp fur? Well, some months ago a hunter came here - a rather scruffy, smelly guy. I had thrown him out instantly but he had to offer some fine pelts. One of them was the fur of a very young wolf. ...
Irmana: I was not delighted that he obviously killed such a young animal. When I confronted him, he said he wanted to raise it as a companion but it unfortunately died. A sad story. In the end, I bought some of his pelts, among them the whelp fur. ...
Irmana: You can have it if this is important for you. I would sell it for 1000 gold. Are you interested?
Gracz: Yes
Irmana: Alright. Here is the fur.
Otrzymamy od niej Fur of a Wolf Whelp, z którym wracamy do Ghostly Wolf.
- Fur of a Wolf Whelp
Gracz: Hi
Ghostly Wolf: You are speaking the language of animals? I'm surprised. But I'm not in the right mood for a chat.
Gracz: Mission
Ghostly Wolf: So one of my babies died and another one has to live with the orcs. This makes me very sad. But at least one of them could return to the forest and found a surrogate mother. I hope it will lead a long, happy and most of all free life. ...
Ghostly Wolf: Please do one last thing for me: The fur you brought me, place it in this stone's mouth. This will be a worthy resting place.
Po rozmowie używamy Fur of a Wolf Whelp na płaczącej kamiennej twarzy (płacze tylko w nocy tibijskiej - od h:45 do h:15) znajdującej się obok Ghostly Wolf, tutaj:
Ponownie rozmawiamy z Ghostly Wolf:
Gracz: Hi
Ghostly Wolf: You are speaking the language of animals? I'm surprised. But I'm not in the right mood for a chat.
Gracz: Mission
Ghostly Wolf: I guess I will stick around for a time to watch over the grave. After this final watch I will find peace, I can feel this. Thank you, human being. You redeemed me.
Następnie wróć do NPC Ikassis na Edron, aby zdać raport.
Gracz0: Hi
Ikassis: Nature's blessing, traveller!
Gracz0: Mission
Ikassis: The wolf's ghost has found peace. Thank you, human being. However, there is someone else who needs help: A sister of mine who's bereft of something very precious. You'll find her in the guise of a swan at a small river south-east of here.
The Swan Maiden
Udaj się do łabędzia A Swan na Edron, tutaj:
Rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: Hi
A Swan: I salute you, mortal being.
Gracz: Mission
A Swan: My sister Ikassis sent you? Blessed be her soul! Yes, it is true: I need help. Listen, I will tell you a secret but please don't break it. As you might already suspect I'm not really a swan but a fae. ...
A Swan: But other than many of my siblings I did not take over a swan's body. I'm a swan maiden and this is one of my two aspects. I can take the shape of a swan as well as that of a young maiden. ...
A Swan: But to do so I need a magical artefact: a cloak made of swan feathers. If I lose this cloak - or someone steals it from me - I'm stuck to the form of a swan and can't change shape anymore. And this is exactly what happened: ...
A Swan: A troll stalked me while I was bathing in the river and he stole my cloak. Now I am trapped in the form of a swan. Please, can you find the thief and bring back the cloak?
Gracz: Yes
A Swan: Thank you, human being! I guess the thieving troll headed to the mountains east of here. As far as I know you can only reach these mountain tops by diving into a small cave. ...
A Swan: The connecting tunnels will lead you to a mountain where you may discover him. I heard a man named Jerom talking about this when he passed by this river. Perhaps he knows more about it.
Teraz udaj się do NPC Tereban, który znajduje się w tawernie nad depo w Edron. Rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: Hi
Tereban: Greetings, friend. Good you are showing up.
Gracz: Cloak
Tereban: I met this troll when he was hanging around near the town. He carried something I would consider rather uncharacteristic for a troll: a stunningly beautiful cloak entirely made of white feathers. I was curious and asked him if he would sell it. ...
Tereban: He seemed to be more interested in some of my coins and a piece of meat than in this unusual garment. Therefore, we made a trade: He got some meat and coins and I got the cloak. ...
Tereban: I had a clue that it was a magical item but nobody in Edron knew something about it. As I have a very lettered friend in Darashia I took a magical carpet flight to visit him and ask him about the cloak. ...
Tereban: But then something very annoying happened: During the flight the wind blew so strongly that it tattered the cloak. Feather after feather was blown off the carpet but I didn't realise it. ...
Tereban: When I reached Darashia there was no cloak just a handful of feathers. *sighs* I'm not sure whether it makes sense to search for these feathers. There was a small wind gust when we were still above Edron. ...
Tereban: But the actual storm began when we were in the air above the Darama. The feathers are now scattered all over the desert I guess. Rather futile to look out for them but if you really want to try: ...
Tereban: The magic carpet made a beeline from Edron to Darashia. You should search along this line on the ground. Good luck!
Musisz się zbliżyć do pięciu stosów łabędzich piór - Swan Feathers w pięciu różnych miejscach.
Swan Feathers
Jeden stos piór znajdziemy na południu od Edron:
Cztery na Darashii:
Stań blisko każdego stosu, aż w plecaku pojawi się pióro - Tattered Swan Feather. Po odwiedzeniu wszystkich pięciu miejsc i uzyskaniu pięciu piór, wróć do łabędzia A Swan i zdaj raport z misji.
Gracz: Hi
A Swan: I salute you, mortal being.
Gracz: Mission
A Swan: This is everything that remained of my cloak? That's terrible! However, I guess I can put the feathers together again. Yes, that should be enough feathers. ...
A Swan: Please give them to me so I can restore my cloak. But don't watch me! Swan maidens don't like to be observed. Nature's blessings, human being. I will tell Ikassis that you have been of great assistance.
Wróć jeszcze do NPC Alkestios, który znajduje się koło bram Ab'Dendriel.
Gracz: Hi
Alkestios: Nature's blessing, traveller!
Gracz: Mission
Alkestios: I'm very happy that you could help fae and animals alike. You earned our trust and may now visit our secret realm. I marked you with an arcane fae seal. Hereby you will be able to use the elemental shrines strewn about Tibia. ...
Alkestios: There are fire, ice, energy and earth shrines. If you don't know their locations you can also reach them by most temples in this world. The elemental shrines will transport you to Feyrist now that your bear the magical seal.
Od teraz masz dostęp na Feyrist. Aby się tam dostać, zdobądź Small Amethyst, Small Emerald, Small Ruby lub Small Sapphire, przejdź przez dowolną bramę żywiołów znajdującą się w świątyniach i użyj odpowiedniego klejnotu na Holy Shrine, którą znajdziesz w środku. Różne kapliczki wyślą cię do różnych miejsc na Feyrist.
Zobacz również: Dostęp za barierę na Goromie