Aby móc dostać się na wyspe Okolnir należy wykonać Barbarian Test Quest w Svargrond.
Wymagane przedmioty: różna ilość Honeycomb, 3x Mug of Mead oraz Dwarven Ring.
Należy udać się do NPC Sven na Svargrond (droga z depo):
Rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: Hi
Sven: Be greeted, Gracz!
Gracz: Barbarian
Sven: A true barbarian is something special among our people. Everyone who wants to become a barbarian will have to pass the barbarian test.Gracz: Test
Sven: All of our juveniles have to take the barbarian test to become a true member of our community. Foreigners who manage to master the test are granted the title of an honorary barbarian and the respect of our people ...Are you willing to take the barbarian test?
Gracz: Yes
Sven: That's the spirit! The barbarian test consists of a few tasks you will have to fulfill. All are rather simple - for a barbarian that is...
Sven: Your first task is to drink some barbarian mead. But be warned, it's a strong brew that could even knock out a bear. You need to make at least ten sips of mead in a row without passing out to pass the test ...Do you think you can do this?
Gracz: Yes
Sven: Good, but to make barbarian mead we need some honey which is rare here. I'd hate to waste mead just to learn you're not worth it ...
Sven: Therefore, you have to get your own honey. You'll probably need more than one try so better get some extra honeycombs. Then talk to me again about barbarian mead.
Gracz: Barbarian Mead
Sven: Do you have some honey with you?
Gracz: Yes
Sven: Good, for this honeycomb I allow you 20 sips from the mead bucket over there. Talk to me again about barbarian mead if you have passed the test.
Zadanie polega na wypiciu 10 łyków z rzędu z wiaderka obok tak by się nie przewrócić. Za każdy oddany Honeycomb otrzymasz możliwość wzięcia 20 łyków.
Każdy poprawny łyk wyświetla komunikat: The world seems to spin but you manage to stay on your feet. A gdy się nie powiedzie: The mead was too strong. You passed out for a moment. Możesz pić tak szybko, jak to tylko możliwe. Jeśli nie uda się, spróbuj ponownie, mówiąc "mead" do NPC Sven oddając mu kolejny Honeycomb. Jeśli Ci się powiedzie, pojawi się ten komunikat: You already passed the test, no need to torture yourself anymore.
Po udanym teście rozmawiamy z NPC Sven:
Gracz: Hi
Sven: Be greeted, Gracz!
Gracz: Barbarian Mead
Sven: An impressive start. Here, take your own mead horn to fill it at the mead bucket as often as you like ...But there is much left to be done. Your next test will be to hug a bear ...
Sven: You will find one in a cave north of the town. If you are lucky, it's still sleeping. If not ... well that might hurt ...
Sven: Unless you feel that you hugged the bear, the test is not passed. Once you are done, talk to me about the bear hugging.
Otrzymamy od niego Mead Horn, który napełniamy używając go na wiaderku.
![]() |
Mead Horn |
Udajemy się z nim do niedźwiedzia - znajduje się na północ od wyjścia ze Svargrond tutaj:
Należy użyć na nim Mead Horn aż zaśnie:
Następnie używamy niedźwiedzia:
Za wykonanie testu otrzymamy osiągnięcie "Bearhugger".
Udajemy się do NPC Sven i rozmawiamy z nim:
Gracz: Hi
Sven: Be greeted, Gracz!
Gracz: Hug
Sven: Amazing. That was as clever and brave as a barbarian is supposed to be. But a barbarian also has to be strong and fearless. To prove that you will have to knock over a mammoth ...
Sven: Did your face just turn into the color of fresh snow? However, you will find a lonely mammoth north west of the town in the wilderness. Knock it over to prove to be a true barbarian ...
Sven: Return to me and talk about the mammoth pushing when you are done.
Do tego testu potrzebujemy 3 Mug of Mead, które kupujemy u NPC Dankwart oraz Dwarven Ring.
Musisz znaleźć mamuta , który znajduje się w tym samym lodowym obszarze co niedźwiedź, ale dalej na zachodzie tutaj:
Gdy już znajdziesz mamuta, wypij wszystkie 3 kubki Mug of Mead, a następnie użyj mamuta, aby go przewrócić. Kiedy to zrobisz, załóż Dwarven Ring i wróć do NPC Sven:
Gracz: Hi
Sven: Sven: Be greeted, Gracz!
Gracz: Mammoth
Sven: As you have passed all three tests, I welcome you in our town as an honorary barbarian. You can now become a citizen. Don't forget to talk to the people here. Some of them might need some help ...
Sven: We usually solve our problems on our own but some of the people might have a mission for you. Old Iskan, on the ice in the northern part of the town had some trouble with his dogs lately.
Za wykonanie testu otrzymasz osiągnięcie "Honorary Barbarian" oraz możesz zostać obywatelem Svargrond , podróżować z Buddelem (między innymi na Okolnir), rozpocząć The Ice Islands quest i walczyć na Arenie.
Zobacz także: Jak zrobić szybko dostęp na Yalahar